Thursday, September 3, 2009

Look! A Giant Crane!

I have a special fondness for hand-painted backdrops, the kind with the face cut out. You scoot around behind and get your picture taken doing whatever the person in the backdrop happens to be doing: acting like a clown, being hanged, riding a bucking bronco... In this case, riding a tiny bison.

Liam wasn't that into it. I think he takes bison too seriously. More on that later.
Phoebe looks about six years old here.
I have always wanted to ride a bison. I figure riding a real bison would probably be the last thing I do before I die, because the bison would make sure I died.

Bill of the Birds showing his usual flair. I have no words.

Nobody knows why North Dakotans have such a special love for giant things. Perhaps giant things are everywhere, but they're visible for miles on the prairie, so it seems like there are more of them on the Great Plains. Steele, ND, boasts the world's largest sandhill crane. I really like this sculpture, clearly one of a kind.
Phoebe's doing her best crane colt imitation, sheltering under Mama's legs.
Like many things in North Dakota, this giant crane sculpture gets the job done. No nonsense. Just a giant steel crane, watching over Steele.

Maybe North Dakotans make giant things so the sky doesn't make them feel so small.

The Swinging Orangutangs are prepping for another performance at the Marietta Brewing Company on Front Street, Marietta, Ohio, this Friday night, Sept. 4, from 9:30-12:30 pm. We've rehearsed, worked up some new material we're excited about, and we're ready to rawk. After a year of real live formal voice coaching from band member Jessica Baldwin, I'm feeling the results and it feels real good. And then she opens out on Aretha Franklin's R.E.S.P.E.C.T and I know there's a long road ahead. poster by Andy Hall (our drummer)

Come see us if you're in the area, or if you get a wild hair for a road trip!

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