Monday, September 21, 2009

Chicken Brain

Chicken brain
Runnin' all night
Chicken brain
Runnin' all night
Chicken brain Chicken brain
Can't get on, can't get off
Chicken brain
Runnin' all night

I'm back from the Midwest Birding Symposium, but just barely. Got in at dinnertime, slept the sleep of the dead, just and righteous, dragged myself up at 5:30, got the kids on the bus, and now I'm de-tarping, de-trailering, and unpacking my art materials in the rain. Ain't it always the way.

The Symposium was stupendous, the weather was wonderful, the tarps didn't so much as flutter on my fabulously packed car, I sold 52 copies of Letters from Eden, and the kids had a marvelous time riding bikes and golf carts and hobnobbing with all our bird world friends in the sunny September weather. Lakeside ROCKS!! Don't expect a lot of photos; we were running nonstop. Now I've got a week to sort it all out and wash what needs to be washed and put everything away before pulling it all out again for the next road trip/Zick art-talk-dog-and-pony show at West Liberty University near Wheeling, WV. Sept 28-Oct. 1. Bill and I are like a couple of post-Apocalypse zombies this morning, but we showed 'em all a good time.

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