Monday, August 10, 2009

For a Deer


I have no claim on this running doe
except that I am here and agog
Trying to catch her, keep her
in a little black box with a magic window
Somewhere I can see her again and again.


How is it that such a creature
Lives here among us
Weighs just what I do yet
cannot make an awkward move?

From whence this perfection
This polished haunch
these slender legs?


Boil me down and start me over
I want to run like that
Vaulting log and wire
Hitting with a thump and springing high
Bounding up the slopes that slowed me to a trudge
Before the change.

I've nothing to offer her but a reason to run.
Nothing to say but thank you.


For Mimi Hart, which after all means Deer

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