Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Tanager Comes to Call

I've written about the Bird Spa before. It attracts birds to my studio window that I really wouldn't see otherwise.

This lovely scarlet tanager visits most every day. He likes it when I scrub the Spa with Comet, clean the pump, and change the water. Then he comes more often, two or three times a day.

When he's had a drink and maybe a bath, he can't help but sing about it. Once he fetched up only a few feet from the window and I was ready with my camera.

His song sounds like a robin with a very bad sore throat--burry and harsh, not very melodic. That's OK. You don't need to be melodic when you flouresce. He could say BAP BAP BAP for all I care.

In this photo, you can see the retained feathers from winter plumage--greenish olive--in his lower wing.

You beautiful thing. Keep visiting, and I will keep scrubbing, because you deserve the best.

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