Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Resolute Bunny

Snow and ice are tough on mammals as well as birds. We laid in and served about 50 pounds of corn during the weeks of snow-in. I'm sure the coyotes, great horned owls and redtails appreciate our corn-fed rabbits.

I was amused, as dusk came on, to see the Bower Bunneh cleaning up corn in a most picturesque way.

A doe came out of the trees, hoping to share.
First she sniffed around the back entrance. Bower Bunneh didn't budge.

So the doe gave Bunneh a wide berth and tried another approach. I love the ear positions on the animals in this shot. The bunny is alert and resolute; the deer undecided.

Bunneh moved off a bit, but didn't give way.

All right. I'm coming in. You are a rabbit and I am an ungulate, many times your size.

I may be a rabbit, but I am no pushover. Go find corn somewhere else, Pointy Toes.

Can't you do something about this, Corn Lady?

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