Friday, March 30, 2012

Fans' reaction after The Vampire Diaries news!

Yeah, well ... after finding out that Rose will be back in TVD for episode 19, as a ghost, fans kinda freaked out. Just like me. Let's see what they have to say about this:

 I'm so happy to see you in TVD again! <3 xoxo

All of the ROSE and  fans are sharing a SUPER MASSIVE FREAK OUT!! <3 We get our precious Rosebud back!!! :'(

Sooooooo happy Rose will be back!  can NOT wait to have you back!  <3

So I was gunna go back to sleep, but I ended up seeing for the next TVD episode and ROSE WAS IN IT! Omg I am so happy is back!!

I'm so happy we get to see Rose!  is just amazing! ♥

OMGGGGGG! CAN'T BREATHHHEEE! ROSE IS MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER!  Literally jumping around the room right now!

And so many others ...
It's amazing, I mean ... Rose is one of the characters people can't just forget, so I think ... that's why writers decided to bring her back ... for atleast an episode!

Lauren will go at Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo

Another convention!! #C2E2 !! So Lauren is invited at this new convention, Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo on April 13-15, 2012 in Chicago, Ilinois !! Isn't this great ? She'll be there with her The Walking Dead co-star Steven Yeun. You can buy tickets HERE!
And look .... she's an "Entertainment Guest" ;;)
She and Steven are scheduled to appear on Saturday, April 14 for autographing. Ticket giveaway details here.

Rose was mentioned in TVD 3x18 "The Murder of One"

Wow ... it feels SO good to learn that they didn't forget ROSE ... even though Elena said "A vampire named Rose" ... we know for sure it's our Rose because she's the one that turned Katherine ;) And maybe ... if we're lucky enough, in one of the next episodes (or even in season 4 .. I don't mind) there'll be a flashback to Rose's transformation ... wouldn't this be great ??? For me, it would be.

OH MY GOD~!!! You know what ... I posted this like 20 minutes ago and now I'm updating it with an even bigger idiot smile on my face :D ROSE ... appears in the promo for 3x19 "Heart of Darkness" !!!!! And we didn't know ... absolutely ANYTHING ... wow ... well that was quite a surprise

How am I are we supposed to wait until APRIL 19th ???????

Thursday, March 29, 2012

New outtake ?

I don't know for sure if this is new (I mean it's not new, but like ... we've never seen it before) but it's a little different from the others ... look:
 The difference is small ... but there surely is a difference!
Yey :)) I love it when I find new (but still old) pics ... 

New fanart: Lauren at WD Season 2 Premiere

Thanks to Anthony Harrison for doing this awesome job !! 

NEW pics of Lauren @ GBK Gifting Lounge

I Love Her Shoes !!! ♥ And she's stunning .. as always :)
You can see ALL the pics we have from GBK in our gallery!

Walking Dead Poster signed by cast (including Lauren, of course)

Thanks LaurenCohanFC for the pics ;)
 As (I think) I said before ... I'm in love with her hand writing!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lauren has a new description (or bio) on Twitter

Just saw that our beloved small tiger has turned into: 
"Jersey Brit currently playing farmer's daughter, Maggie Greene on The Walking Dead"
But I'm sure her motto is still "Sometimes I wish I was a bear, sometimes a small tiger" ! 
Also, I saw that she has now 21 851 followers!!! It's good, but we can be MORE. So, go click "Follow" @LaurenCohan ! And don't forget to follow us @LaurenCohanRo! But first of all follow her, because she's the most important thing here! 

Lauren Drawing

Thanks to ~KORAYAZICI for drawing it. Good choice ;) I think it's Bela Talbot ... what do you think?
and I think I'm right ...

New photo of Lauren behind the scenes of "Chuck"

Thanks LaurenCohanFC

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A recap of ep 2x13 from TWD

Just found it and thought it would be nice to post ;) to remind you everything that happened in ep 13 (aka the season 2 finale) NO Romanian translation for this!

In the thirteenth episode and season finale of THE WALKING DEAD Season 2, “Beside the Dying Fire,” a zombie herd ends the group’s sojourn at the farm and not everyone makes it out alive. With the comfort of a possible new home gone, and truths shared about Shane’s (Jon Bernthal) death and the greater mystery surrounding the genesis of the zombie apocalypse, the survivors once again face an uncertain future plagued by doubt. Can Rick (Andrew Lincoln) finally take the reins as leader, even if it means becoming a dictator in a post-democratic world? And is there a future for this ragtag group? It might lay just over the horizon.
Fans that worried the second season held back too much on the zombie front certainly get their fill here in a stunning siege that takes up most of the first half of the episode and ends with imagery that recalls the classic NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD as well as a barn-burning at the end of the iconic ZOMBI 2. In a beautifully structured opening that takes us back to Atlanta and a certain helicopter, we follow a herd as it shambles through days and nights, finally reaching the farm as seen in the closing moments of last episode, when the shot Carl (Chandler Riggs) fired to take down Shane inadvertently rings the dinner bell for the walking dead.
The action is cinematic and impressive, with moonlight washing over corpses and desperate humans, and there’s carnage galore as Patricia (Jane McNeill) and Jimmy (James Allen McCune) meet their fates. Neither one of them were ever imbued with an ounce of character, however, so their loss is not emotionally impactful but merely serves to provide the bloody punctuation for the attack.
Some viewers might even take an extra measure of glee in seeing the farm setting – so long emblematic of the stalled storyline for much of the second season – falling to the horde as the survivors struggle to make it through their darkest night. But even if you were one of those that questioned the pacing this year (I was certainly one of them), there’s something to be said for holding back a bit and then exploding in the finale with an epic war between the living and the dead. Although the show always has a cinematic quality, this episode feels like many great zombie films compacted into one tense hour; it even made the loss of the farm feel profound. Another aspect to this approach is that character is largely eschewed in favor of action, but it’s no loss – after all, we’ve spent weeks exploring the psyches of nearly every cast member, so now it’s time to let them all loose and see who comes out the other end.

Carol’s ignorant reaction is irksome enough – and at least Daryl (Norman Reedus) tries to set her straight, but Lori? She’s angry? In episode 9, “Triggerfinger,” she perched on Rick’s back like a goblin and whispered in his ear that Shane was plotting against him; she virtually ordered Shane’s murder. Now that Rick tells her he followed through, she has the gall to be mad at him?Once the others have retreated, it’s time to take stock, but ripped away from the only security they had, it’s understandable that everyone begins to question even the value of staying together. One thing that doesn’t make sense, though, is the way in which Carol (Melissa Suzanne McBride) and Lori (Sarah Wayne Callies) turn on Rick when he finally steps up to the plate, reveals what Jenner told him back at the CDC, and lays down the facts about Shane’s demise.
In a post-finale interview with Robert Kirkman, the writer/executive producer did address this point by suggesting that it’s projected self-loathing from a woman consumed with guilt over what she wrought on two best friends. I can almost buy that, but in the show itself the scene just rings false, or at least doesn’t provide an inkling of the nuance that Kirkman offers. Perhaps we’ll see more on this point early next year. Even if we do, I can’t help but feel that although Callies has struggled valiantly with the material, the character of Lori has been a very poorly served one. She’s wildly inconsistent and almost thoroughly unlikeable. Still, the prison arc is coming…
As for the big revelation that everyone carries the zombie virus, I have to admit to being surprised this has even become a plot point. Being so used to the genre, I had always assumed from day one we were in a latter-day Romero-esque universe in which everyone that dies gets back up. It surprised me that they felt it important to establish a viral source and spell it out, but I suppose I was underestimating the need for the larger TV audience to have the mechanics explained just a bit more. It also seems the show wants to have it both ways, with elements of the supernatural side of the genre overlaid with a more scientific structure – everyone comes back regardless of contact, but it’s the result of an infection. It all amounts to the same thing though, which is fine, but the bigger question is: What does this even matter? There’s no sign the disease is killing them or doing anything other than laying dormant until they die, so since they’re already resigned to a world with zombies, this changes nothing apart from the need to deliver a head shot to anyone that keels over.
Reedus’ Daryl is one of the best characters on the show – he cracks a racist joke here in a knowing nod to his roots, with everyone aware that he has grown beyond that person – but Hershel (Scott Wilson) has also grown into a favorite of mine after he woke up to reality and channeled his farmer stoicism into supporting Rick’s leadership. I’m glad to see he made it through the dark night and will rejoin us for at least some of Season 3. It’s also satisfying to see Glenn (Steven Yeun) at long last tell Maggie (Lauren Cohan) he loves her.
In another nice touch of symmetry, we end the season back on that highway where the group had left provisions for Sophia. There’s a clever reversal where Rick tells Hershel to have faith, only for the old man to respond with a funny yet profound comment about Christ’s promise to resurrect the dead. And then…there’s Michonne.
Although the show has quite rightly forged its own path by taking elements of the comic and reshuffling them to what they hope is the best possible effect on the small screen, the closing moments of this episode surely warmed the heart of many long-time fans. Not only did Michonne at long last show up (well, played by a stand-in, but still…), but as the series faded out until next season, the prison appeared bathed in moonlight over the horizon. With recent news that the Governor has been cast (David Morrissey) and now word on who will wear Michonne’s hood (Dania Gurira), it looks like we’re set for an adaptation of what was arguably theWALKING DEAD comic book’s finest and most harrowing story arc.
The third season may very well follow suit with other sci-fi/fantasy/horror shows and be its very best; I for one can’t wait to find out. Until then, board up the doors and windows and listen to Rick; after all, he’s the leader! This is no longer a democracy, and it’s about time too…

Recap made by AssigmentxCom

Still from The Walking Dead 2x13 "Beside the Dying Fire"

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

LCR News :)

Okay so let's just say that the girl named "Alice" ... kinda died :( sad ... I'll miss her.

But okay ... I'm here with a new name (and new account) - Alice didn't really die, guyz, I'm Alice haha ... and I'm right here ... that account died , because I had no more free space for photos :) Just wanted you to know, and if you see Symonna, instead of Alice at author .. don't worry ... it's the same girl (with my real name this time) 


Saturday, March 17, 2012

New video tribute to Lauren

Behind the Scenes of Talking Dead

Inside ep 11 "Judge, Jury, Executioner" of TWD

Caps ;)

Promos for The Walking Dead 2x13 "Beside the Dying Fire"

Introducing "The Walking Dead" at MegaCon

Oh, she's so adorable!!

Kitty Maggie

Okay, this is the sweetest thing !! Check out :

Lauren Cohan live on Talking Dead with Zachary Levi - March 11th 2012

Gosh, it was so funny & exciting! How about checking out my favorite quotes, before you watch ? Great idea ? Okay haha
 Chris: "Zachary Levi and Maggie herself Lauren Cohan ... yeah ... you're a real person !!"   Lauren: "Yeass" (as in ... what ? you thought I was a fairytale?) hahah
"...I'm like 'Wich part of I love you and move into my bedroom' is ever mean?"
"It's like when you don't wanna wash the dishes or cook and you say 'You're so good at cooking' do you know? 'You're so good at running' "
She just can't stop being lovely !!! and I just can't stop loving her ;) Okay now enjoy the videos - thanks to laurencohanFC for uploading them :)
Aaaaannndddd the BONUS segment

You can find the screencaptures from both show & bonus segment in our gallery
Previews are below
Gallery > Talk Shows > Lauren live on Talking Dead - March 11, 2012

Apologies, news & promises

So let's just start with ... well .... the apologies
I'm really so sorry for dissapointing you! (Yeah! I say this hoping that you're not really dissapointed so ... are you ?) I didn't mean to, I never mean to. But you know how it is in life .. you can't always "be in time". Okay, sometimes I say too much and people can't understand me, so what I mean is that I'm sorry for not posting anything lately. I really didn't have time. Sorry guyz! I hope you understand :)

But I have good news too ... I have finally made the gallery for the blog ;) unfortunately I didn't update it with all the photos yet, but I will add them all in time :) You can see it HERE ! And if you have pictures that I can upload   (and if you want me to upload them, of course) please send me an email at with the pics and where they are from (you know, wich event, convention etc).

Oh, and the "promises" haha .... I just want you to know that I'll post all the news immediately! Thank you for your support, I love you all (guess I don't have to say how much I love Lauren, cause you already know that). Xoxo, Symo (or Alice ...)
Click "Read More" pt varianta in romana :)

 Romanian Translation
"Scuze, noutati si promisiuni"
Deci, sa incepem cu ... ei bine ... scuzele
Chiar imi pare rau ca v-am dezamagit (Mda! Spun asta sperand ca totusi nu sunteti dezamagiti, deci .... sunteti?) nu am vrut, niciodata nu vreau. Dar stiti cum e in viata, niciodata nu poti face totul la timp. Okay, cateodata spun prea multe si oamenii nu ma inteleg, ceea ce vreau sa spun este ca imi pare rau ca nu am mai postat nimic in ultima vreme. Chiar nu am avut timp, scuzee! Sper ca intelegeti :)

Dar am si vesti bune ... in sfarsit am facut galeria pentru blog ;) din pacate nu am pus toate pozele inca, dar le voi pune .. pe rand cand am timp ;) Puteti sa o vedeti AICI! Si daca aveti poze pe care as putea sa le pun (si vreti sa le pun, desigur) trimiteti-mi un email la adresa cu pozele si de unde sunt (adica, ce eveniment, conventie etc)

Oh si "promisiunile" haha ...Prin asta vroiam sa spun ca o sa postez toate noutatile imediat. Va multumesc pentru sustinere, va iubesc pe toti (nu trebuie sa mai spun ca o iubesc pe Lauren, pt ca stiti asta deja). Xoxo, Symo (sau Alice ...)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lauren will attend MCM Expo Birmingham Comic Con

My God! It's like we're blessed this week ! Good news again! Lauren Cohan (yes, our Lauren Cohan) will attend the MCM Expo Birmingham Comic Con from 31st March to 1st April 2012 !!! Other guests (announced so far) from The Walking Dead are: Chandler Riggs (Carl Grimes),  Madison Lintz (Sophia Peletier) and Melissa McBride (Carol Peletier).
The adress is: National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, B40 1NT.
The prize: 
Saturday: 9am to 5pm (Last ticket sale 10.55am)
Sunday: 10am to 5pm (Last ticket sale 10.55am)
‘EARLY ENTRY’ Tickets £16 Per Day. (includes booking fee)
‘EARLY ENTRY’ Tickets £28 Per Weekend. (includes booking fee)
Saturday: 11am to 5pm (Last ticket sale 4pm)
Sunday: 11am to 5pm (Last ticket sale 4pm)
General Entry: Adult Ticket (15 years old & above): £10
General Entry: Child Ticket (11 to 14): £5
Click here for more details on purchasing a ticket ;) Love you, Xoxo
Click "Read More" pentru varianta in limba romana!
Oh, Doamne! Parca suntem binecuvantati saptamana asta! Vesti bune din nou. Lauren Cohan (da, Lauren a noastra) va merge la MCM Expo Birminghan Comic Con de pe 31 martie pana pe 1 aprilie 2012. Alti invitati ( anuntati pana acum) din The Walking Dead sunt: Chandler Riggs (Carl Grimes),  Madison Lintz (Sophia Peletier) si Melissa McBride (Carol Peletier). Okay, cred ca adresa si preturile nu prea va intereseaza pe voi, dar in caz ca vreti sa mergeti intrati aici pentru informatiile de genul acesta. Va iubesc! Xoxo.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sneak Peek for "Better Angels" - ep 2x12

Lauren will be on "Talking Dead" again

Yuu-hu! Lauren will be a guest of the talk show dedicated to "The Walking Dead"  - Talking Dead, on Sunday,  March 11th 2012, after the show ( I mean TWD). Great news .. right ? But she wouldn't be the only guest! Zachary Levi (who she played with in Chuck, earlier in 2011) will be there with her, too. Can't wait! Can't wait !! Let the countdown begin!

- And this is CRAZY! I think I have some supernatural powers of getting what I want cuz' that's what I tweeted one week ago:
~ Wish came true ~ Tada! ~
She was on TD before with Steven Yeun, but not really ON ... I mean they were in Atlanta, shooting so they couldn't be in Los Angeles at the same time. They were just live from the set. I didn't post the video back then - and for that I'm so sorry-, but here it is now, so check out and remember that this will happen again this Sunday!!!
Soo ... this wants to mean that she will be in LA?! ... maybe we're lucky enough to get some candids, who knows? Let's hope !!!
Click pe "Read More" pentru varianta in romana! Xoxo

Yuu-hu! Lauren va fi invitata la talk show-ul dedicat seriei "The Walking Dead" - numit Talking Dead, duminica, 11 martie 2012, dupa serial (adica TWD). Stiri grozave ... nu? Dar ea nu va fi singura invitata! Zachary Levi (cu care a jucat in Chuck, in 2011) va fi acolo, de asemenea. Abia astept !! Sa inceapa numaratoarea inversa!

- Asta e NEBUNIE curata, cred ca am eu niste puteri supranaturale de a primi ce-mi doresc, pentru ca asta am postat pe Twitter acum o saptamana:
~ Un vis devenit realitate ~ Tada! ~
Ea a mai fost la TD inainte, impreuna cu Steven Yeun, dar nu au fost chiar acolo ... adica ei erau in Atlanta la filmari si nu puteau fi si in Los Angeles in acelasi timp. Pur si simplu au fost in direct de pe platourile de filmare. Nu am postat video-ul atunci - si pentru asta imi pare foarte rau - dar, este aici acum, deci watch :)

Deci asta vrea sa insemne ca o sa fie in LA ? Poate suntem destul de norocosi sa vedem si cateva poze. Sa speram!

A (very) little Q & A from Mega Con (Orlando, Florida)

If you could play any other character, who would you be ?
Lauren (at the same time with Joseph and David): DAMON (hahah)

Who is your favourite person to shoot a scene with ?
Lauren (again, at the same time with the boys): Ian Somerhalder

~ They're kinda obsessed with Ian / Damon. I mean I understand it from Lauren ... but the boys ? Hehe

Yeah ... there were more questions but they were all answered by Joseph Morgan, so that's why I said "Little".

And a video with the whole panel :
Daca ati fi putut juca orice alt rol (in TVD) cine ati fi fost ?
Lauren (odata cu Joseph si David): DAMON !!

Cu cine va place sa filmati cel mai mult (tot din TVD)
Lauren (din nou, odata cu baietii): Ian Somerhalder.

Si cum am scris si mai sus ... sunt cam obsedati de Ian / Damon nu ?? Adica de ce nu ar fi ? Este minunat, dar totusi as spune ca Joseph si David ar trebui sa fie atrasi de fete nu baieti haha. (Si video-ul cu intregul panou, mai sus).  - Traducere: Symo (Alice)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Video Update: DVD Featurettes from Death Race 2

+ Deleted scenes

The LAUREN COHAN experience

There are some stories from fans that met Lauren at the Mega Con and I thought it would be interesting to share with you. (Thx LCF!)

1. Jessica's story:
Jessica:  She was REALLY sweet. My friends and I went up to her to invite her to go to Disney World with us and she told us she hasn’t been since she was 11 and really wanted to go. So she got one of our names down with our number and told us she will call us to let us know. My friend tweeted her saying how awesome it was to meet her and she said she couldn’t go with us but loved hanging out with us, which shows you just how sweet she is. 
2. Cody's story: 
Cody: She said that she still gets the chills when she hears “The Walking Dead” theme song, also for the fans that don’t already know, she HAS signed up for next season for at least 16 episodes. I didn’t stay up long, I was extremely nervous and I was weak in the knees for the whole day afterwards haha. She did take a photo with me and gave me a free autograph.

3. Zoe's story:
So lets just start by saying this was my very first Convention ever and therefore I wasn’t as familiar with how these type of events work until I was there. I went there thinking of buying just the picture with Lauren, honestly she was the only one I was interested in getting a picture with. So after I got my ticket, first thing in the morning pictures were taken at 3:00, the next thing I did was go to the Vampire Diaries PanelIt was really cool for my first panel ever and i had a laugh with the fans all going crazy over Joseph Morgan (Klaus).  
Click "Read More" for the rest of the story. It's great, you should read it all.

Anyways, so yada yada time passed by and it was time for the picturess! I was waiting in  a hugeeee line so I assumed it was going to be a while until I got in but since I only wanted a picture with Lauren, the guy arranging the things separated us “Lauren ppl” as he liked to call us, from the rest of the ppl who were waiting to take pics with Joseph and David too, and ofc! our line was the shortest LOL but it was good because we were the first to get in and I was second in line!  I thought it was only going to be a few people, but surprisingly enough there were more then 10 wanting to take pictures with her, most of them fans of The Walking Dead of course! We were waiting for the cast to come in and they allowed me and the two people in front of me (they were together) to walk inside the booth ahead of time and I got to see the three of them (Joseph, David and Lauren) walk in and take a solo picture before they began taking the rest with the fans. Needless to say I was so not prepared for this! It was too fast and I was shaking so damn much when they told me to go in.
See, here’s the thing, I’ve been a Lauren Fan since she first was in Supernatural, Bela was my all time fave and I was so upset when she left that afterwards all I did was watch the few movies and shows she was in and well ofc then she came into The Vampire Diaries for a brief moment and I was happy again. So yes, you can say I was very excited to meet her.
First thing I did was to hug her…no kidding but hey, don’t blame me! She greeted me streching her arms out to me what was I supposed to do other than hug her while I could?! LOL
So I did and next thing I knew I was smiling at the camera and getting my pic taken and walking out of there doing a little happy dance…which explains why I look like a total idiot in the picture, brace yourselves.
So yes, after I took my picture with Lauren we all had to wait for at least three hours until it was time to pick them up, yeah don’t ask me! It takes them that long to print the freaking things. 
[...] I kept on walking and realized that “The Vampire Diaries” cast and “Warehouse 13″ one were at the end, there were noooooo lines so I just walked in and was walking a little closer to at least take a look at Eddie and Saul (Warehouse 13) and Lauren, this without knowing that I could just go to talk to them or buy the autograph right there.  
Yes eventually I figured it out so I stood there waiting in line for Lauren. Her line was probably the longest because she allowed the fans to talk to her for long periods of time which made me  love her even more, but also made me more damn nervous than I already was -.- LOL . Fortunately, some girls stood behind me and began to say how they just wanted to go and say hi to her because they have heard she was really nice so I told them to go in with me once the people in front of us were done and they did! 
So once we were in there Lauren was like “Hi! How’s it going?” and I was like “Good Good…” and begging for the life of me that the other two girls would say something so I wouldn’t look like a fool! And they did! LOL began telling her how they loved her in The Walking Dead and it was their favorite show ever! And then i told her I loved her since Supernatural so I should get more points for that and she laughed!  She then asked who the autograph was for (because I paid first) and I said me, so she asked me my name and when i said “Zoe” she was like “Z.O.E, right?” and I told her “Yes yes! No YS at the end or anything like that!” and she was like “I know right? I don’t understand why people write that name so weird!” hehehe So while she was signing my pic I was all on and on about how much i loved Bela, how she was my fave even though half the fandom hated her and how I wanted her back on the show because she got also killed in TVD, and yes she listened to me the whole time and told me how she also thought Bela was a very interesting character and how both deaths (Bela’s and Rose’s) were amazing in a way (I guess in the supernatural way) but either way…eep!!! She asked us if we were going to be there the next day as well (Sunday) I said no, and the girls with me said so as well, because well, I wasn’t planning on going on Sunday. So she signed one of the other girl’s pictures and then she asked the only girl left and when she told her she couldn’t afford it she just wanted to say hi, Lauren was like “Oh!” for a second there and then she told her “Well, we’ll just keep it between us! Don’t tell anyone!” and guys she signed the pic for the girl and she didn’t even need to pay that’s how freaking amazing that woman is!
[Sunday Panels, she decided to go after all, good choice!] So after that guess who I went to see again??? That’s right, Lauren!!! Hey I had to, ok? hehehe besides my excuse this time was to show her the pic I had taken with her, that was all! LOL.  So yes, once more I waited in line a little longer this time coz ppl just wont shut up around her geez!! (hypocrite i know LOL)
But when I finally walked to her I was all nervous and shaky again! Because OMG she just smiles at you and greets you with this amazing “Hi!!” as though she wasn’t tired for being there three days, she always shakes her fan’s hands, and her accent is just lovely ok? I could listen to her talk all day long. Anyways so my first reply was “Hi i was here yesterday, don’t know if you remember!” and she was like “Yes yes of course I remember!” but I mean she probably didn’t there’s just too many ppl who go there but either way I told her “I just wanted to show you this!” I took out my pic and showed her and she was like “Oh let me see…” I told her how I looked awful in it but she looked great and she was all sweet and amazing like “Nahhh you don’t not at all!”. I told her how she was surprisingly taller than me and she then recalled she was wearing heels or something like that. She then was like “what’s wrong with my hair? Is all over my face!” and laughed *__* and I was like “I dont know!” hehehe I asked her if she could sign the picture for me even though I already had her autograph and she instantly did so and was all apologetic like “I’m sorry…but what was your name again?” I mean come on! I didn’t expect her to remember it was just sweet how she tried to not be mean or something. So I told her “Zoe! You know, the huge Bela fan!” and she was like “Right right!” so she signed it for me. I told her I didn’t wanna take too much time because I had already spoken to her longer the day before and I didn’t want the ppl waiting in line to stay there much longer so last thing I did was to ask her for a hug and OMG she stood up right away and hugged me and I diedddd!!! Even though it was for like 3 seconds!!!
I know I was a big stalker and creep or something but I couldn’t help myself  I don’t even know where did that come from she’s just the sweetest most amazing beautiful famous person you’ll ever meet and I had to. She thanked me for going and I told her ‘No big thanks to you for being so sweet and nice’ and OMG yess I walked away with the biggest idiotic grin ever!!!
While she was writing the ‘From Me and Bela’ part she stopped for a second and asked me “You can read that right?” and I was like “Yes yes!” even though I didn’t even read what she wrote til after I left because i was just too nervous and stunned!”