Friday, March 30, 2012

Fans' reaction after The Vampire Diaries news!

Yeah, well ... after finding out that Rose will be back in TVD for episode 19, as a ghost, fans kinda freaked out. Just like me. Let's see what they have to say about this:

 I'm so happy to see you in TVD again! <3 xoxo

All of the ROSE and  fans are sharing a SUPER MASSIVE FREAK OUT!! <3 We get our precious Rosebud back!!! :'(

Sooooooo happy Rose will be back!  can NOT wait to have you back!  <3

So I was gunna go back to sleep, but I ended up seeing for the next TVD episode and ROSE WAS IN IT! Omg I am so happy is back!!

I'm so happy we get to see Rose!  is just amazing! ♥

OMGGGGGG! CAN'T BREATHHHEEE! ROSE IS MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER!  Literally jumping around the room right now!

And so many others ...
It's amazing, I mean ... Rose is one of the characters people can't just forget, so I think ... that's why writers decided to bring her back ... for atleast an episode!

Lauren will go at Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo

Another convention!! #C2E2 !! So Lauren is invited at this new convention, Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo on April 13-15, 2012 in Chicago, Ilinois !! Isn't this great ? She'll be there with her The Walking Dead co-star Steven Yeun. You can buy tickets HERE!
And look .... she's an "Entertainment Guest" ;;)
She and Steven are scheduled to appear on Saturday, April 14 for autographing. Ticket giveaway details here.

Rose was mentioned in TVD 3x18 "The Murder of One"

Wow ... it feels SO good to learn that they didn't forget ROSE ... even though Elena said "A vampire named Rose" ... we know for sure it's our Rose because she's the one that turned Katherine ;) And maybe ... if we're lucky enough, in one of the next episodes (or even in season 4 .. I don't mind) there'll be a flashback to Rose's transformation ... wouldn't this be great ??? For me, it would be.

OH MY GOD~!!! You know what ... I posted this like 20 minutes ago and now I'm updating it with an even bigger idiot smile on my face :D ROSE ... appears in the promo for 3x19 "Heart of Darkness" !!!!! And we didn't know ... absolutely ANYTHING ... wow ... well that was quite a surprise

How am I are we supposed to wait until APRIL 19th ???????

Thursday, March 29, 2012

New outtake ?

I don't know for sure if this is new (I mean it's not new, but like ... we've never seen it before) but it's a little different from the others ... look:
 The difference is small ... but there surely is a difference!
Yey :)) I love it when I find new (but still old) pics ... 

New fanart: Lauren at WD Season 2 Premiere

Thanks to Anthony Harrison for doing this awesome job !! 

NEW pics of Lauren @ GBK Gifting Lounge

I Love Her Shoes !!! ♥ And she's stunning .. as always :)
You can see ALL the pics we have from GBK in our gallery!

Walking Dead Poster signed by cast (including Lauren, of course)

Thanks LaurenCohanFC for the pics ;)
 As (I think) I said before ... I'm in love with her hand writing!!!